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The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Application Development

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Application Development

Written by
Team PSI
Published on
August 15, 2024

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform how software is made. As an IT consulting company, Practical Solutions, Inc. (PSI) aims to help its customers leverage new technologies to create innovative apps and services. You can read about the role that AI and ML are playing in app development as well as some of the opportunities and challenges they bring in this blog post.

AI and machine learning are robust tools that can make coders and businesses more efficient, save money, and solve difficult issues. On the other hand, using these technologies properly requires skill and careful thought about problems like privacy, ethics, and more. PSI works with clients to find practical, risk-aware solutions that lead to real business results. Their goal is to help their clients obtain real benefits from AI and ML while lowering their risks.

First, we'll use simple language to explain some important AI and ML ideas. Then we'll look at specific ways that AI and ML are improving the process of making apps, such as gathering needs, writing code, testing, and keeping them up to date. Finally, we'll offer some advice on how to use an AI/ML approach based on real-world examples.

What do Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Really Mean?

Before getting into its uses, it's helpful to explain some basic AI and ML ideas in simple terms. This helps everyone understand what we're talking about.

The term "artificial intelligence" refers to programming computers to do things like learn, solve problems, and think like humans. Machine learning, which enables computers to learn from data without being told to, is an important aspect of AI.

A lot of data is used as "training" by machine learning algorithms to find patterns and make choices or predictions without being told to do so. Most of the time, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning are the ML types that people use.

In supervised learning, examples in the training data are named so that the algorithm can learn from them. An image recognition system, for instance, is shown a lot of named pictures so that it can learn to pick out pictures on its own.

When data isn't labeled, unsupervised learning finds trends that aren't obvious. For instance, an unsupervised learning algorithm can look at what people have bought in the past and put them into groups.

An algorithm that can act in a world and receive feedback on its actions can use reinforcement learning to get the most awards and the fewest punishments over time. In this way, AI bots are taught how to complete tasks in complicated settings like video games. Now that these basic ideas are clear, let's look at how AI and ML are improving application development in useful ways.

Improving Requirements with AI

One area where AI is making a difference is in helping locate needs more thoroughly during the early planning stages of making an app. Interviews and document analysis are old-fashioned ways of doing things that take a lot of time and might miss important needs. Machine learning algorithms can look through a lot of writing, speech, and data to find needs that aren't obvious.

PSI has helped companies use natural language processing (NLP) on transcripts of things like support tickets, customer service calls, and product reviews. Their machine learning models were able to find repeated problems, pain points, and feature requests that people might have missed by looking at this large amount of unstructured data.

They also utilize computer vision and machine learning on film to learn more about how people use websites and apps that are already out there, offering you a quick look at the annoying parts of the user experience that need to be fixed.

PSI’s clients have been able to craft solutions that are better matched with real customer needs by getting these deeper insights into requirements earlier. AI-enhanced discovery saves time, makes users happier, and opens up new ways to make money by meeting wants that weren't known before.

Enhancing the Coding Process with AI

AI and ML also enhance crucial parts of the writing process once the needs are clear. Here are some examples:

• As a coder type, code completion predicts the next lines of code based on the structure and syntax of the code, speeding up development. It also cuts down on typos and other common mistakes.

• Code optimization uses machine learning to look at a codebase and suggest ways to modify it to make it easier to read, reuse, and run faster.

• Automatic documentation adds comments with explanations as you write code because it knows the structure and context of the code, helping new developers learn better.

• Defect prediction uses machine learning to look at code quality measures and past reports of bugs to find the parts of code that are most likely to have bugs before they happen.

• Spell-checking stops common mistakes in coding by making ideas based on the situation.

AI won't be able to replace programmers, but tools like these use machine learning to improve the quality, productivity, and job happiness of PSI's developer clients in big ways.

Using AI-driven Test Automation to Improve Testing

Testing is another aspect of code that AI could transform. Traditional test coding is a time-consuming process that is tedious and needs to be done by hand. Machine learning makes it possible for tests to be done more automatically and continuously.

For instance, PSI has used ML to make full test case scenarios and data directly based on the needs and functions of an application. These tests that are based on AI can be run in continuous integration pipelines along with changes to the code to get input almost instantly.

They also use unsupervised machine learning methods, such as anomaly detection, to find test results that were not predicted. This helps their clients locate bugs that are difficult to find because of small mistakes in logic or special cases before the software is released.

AI is a significant part of test automation through computer vision when it comes to user experience. PSI uses cutting-edge picture recognition and natural language processing to make robots behave as people do on websites and apps. This finds bugs, inconsistencies, and other usability problems, so human testers can focus on more important jobs.

The ultimate goal is an application development process that fixes itself and makes testing an integral part of the software delivery chain, not just an extra step. AI claims to make this vision possible by making testing smarter and more data-driven.

Building an AI/ML Strategy that Works

These are just a few examples of how AI and ML are changing the smart and useful ways that apps are made. Groups need a plan that fits their business goals and risk tolerance to gain real value. This is what PSI says should be done:

Start Small: Test a few narrow use cases to get more experience before making big changes to AI. This helps you learn new things, find out what's possible, and lowers the risk of a big-bang job going wrong.

Pay Attention to the Effects: Focus on the few areas where AI can directly make money, cut costs by a large amount, or reduce big risks in the near future.

Partnership: Partnering with companies like PSI gives your teams access to talent, techniques, and knowledge that they might not have on their own, minimizing the risks of outsourcing.

Process Integration: Ensure that AI and machine learning projects think about how they will be built, the quality of the data they use, how easy they are to understand, privacy, and other methods right from the start.

Lifelong Learning: AI will improve over time, so plan for ongoing improvements, reskilling, and relationships that can be changed as needed.

Companies can get a competitive edge from AI in a safe and controlled way by putting their efforts into useful, small steps that are linked to clear business goals. PSI consistently provides clients with this results-driven approach, ensuring tangible outcomes every day.


To sum it all up, AI and machine learning are changing the way applications are made in critical ways by making people smarter throughout the whole software process. AI has the potential to help companies make better software faster while reducing risks if it is used wisely and with a long-term view of continuous learning.

Practical Solutions is an IT consulting company that helps cutting-edge clients of all sizes use AI and machine learning to get real, measurable competitive advantages. Please get in touch with them if you want to know more about how PSI can help you create a custom AI plan that will work in real life.

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