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How Infrastructure Services Are Shaping Urban Development

How Infrastructure Services Are Shaping Urban Development

Written by
Team PSI
Published on
March 1, 2024

Cities around the world are growing fast as more people move to urban areas. To support this growth, cities need modern infrastructure like transportation, utilities, and communication networks. One important part of new infrastructure is information technology or IT services. Things like high-speed internet, wireless networks, cloud computing, and more are changing how cities function. In this article, we will look at how IT is shaping current and future urban development.

Impact of High-Speed Internet

Access to fast broadband internet is a necessity in today's world. It allows people to work remotely, access services online, and stay connected. Cities that offer widespread high-speed internet access have an advantage in attracting residents and businesses. Fibre optic and 5G wireless networks now allow for gigabit internet speeds almost anywhere. This level of connectivity opens many new possibilities.

For example, some cities have created comprehensive smart city plans. These involve installing thousands of sensors around the city to monitor things like traffic, infrastructure, pollution, and more. Data from these sensors streams to the cloud in real time. Officials and AI systems then analyze patterns to improve services and spot issues early. Smart city projects would not be possible without high-capacity internet to move huge volumes of sensor data.

Reliable high-speed internet also enables more people to work remotely. This increases flexible work options for residents and reduces commuting traffic. During the COVID pandemic, many office jobs transitioned online which helped minimize disruptions. Remote work may become permanent for some as companies see productivity stay the same or increase. This shifts urban development priorities towards more mixed-use spaces and community amenities over large commercial areas.

Internet access further transforms healthcare, education, entertainment and more through telemedicine, online schooling, streaming, and virtual/augmented reality. New residential and mixed-use developments now plan fibre infrastructure from the start. Overall, broadband connectivity underpins the modern digital urban economy and lifestyle. City planners must account for this growing dependence on high-capacity online access.

The advent of 5G Networks

The next evolution in wireless technology is 5G which offers speeds reportedly 100 times faster than current 4G LTE networks. Initial 5G deployments are already happening in many major cities on a limited scale. Over the next few years, full nationwide 5G networks from all carriers will transform connectivity. With 5G, data can transfer nearly instantaneously allowing for real-time applications.

Some key impacts of 5G on urban planning include enabling more immersive augmented reality experiences through AR glasses. In the future, information about our surroundings could overlay what we see. 5G will also accelerate trends like autonomous vehicles that require extremely low latency communication between moving objects. Fleet operations of self-driving taxis and delivery bots within cities may become viable sooner.

The “Internet of Things” involving billions of connected sensors and devices will expand rapidly on 5G networks. Intelligent infrastructure incorporating environmental monitoring systems, traffic signals, utility meters and more will create huge amounts of real-time data. 5G coverage throughout cities will be critical for new applications in transportation, energy, public safety and more. Municipalities are already working with carriers to help plan optimal 5G tower placement during initial buildouts.

The Rise of Edge Computing

With so many data-intensive applications and sensors generating information constantly, moving all that data to distant centralized cloud servers creates delays. Edge computing develops as a solution by processing data closer to its origin before uploading summaries. This involves distributed data centres and micro data centres located throughout urban regions.

Edge computing enhances 5G and IoT solutions through low-latency responses. For example, edge servers placed strategically in a city could analyse live video feeds from traffic cameras and detect jams or accidents within milliseconds. Nearby signal lights and message boards could then be controlled in real time based on road conditions. Other applications gaining from edge computing include autonomous vehicles, remote medical care through augmented reality, and immersive smart building systems.

City planners start accommodating edge infrastructure requirements similar to other utilities. This may involve setting aside space for server clusters throughout future developments. Edge real estate becomes an emerging priority to host these localised computing facilities. Related concerns around power supply, cooling needs and security also factor into urban planning for wide-scale edge deployments. The integration of 5G and edge computing reimagines what’s possible from connected infrastructure within smart cities.

Digital Transformation of Offices and Workspaces

Office and commercial real estate developers saw big changes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Temporary remote work proved viable on a large scale with supporting internet infrastructure. Many companies now plan hybrid models with fewer dedicated desks but more meeting and collaboration spaces. This influences the design of new workplaces with adaptive layouts and premium amenities.

There’s also a rise in coworking and flexible workspace options embedded within urban residential and mixed-use complexes. Communities gain added convenience while telecommuters have access to productive work settings away from home. Live-work-play urban neighbourhoods are complemented by on-demand office and meeting spaces available in small increments.

Digital tools further blur the lines between work and home. Ubiquitous high-speed connectivity means most knowledge workers now perform job duties from anywhere as long as they're online. Cities that provide reliable tech infrastructure see benefits. Competitive business clusters can attract top talent who gain the flexibility to live wherever they prefer. Investments in communications networks strengthen these virtuous cycles that concentrate high-wage employment within urban centres.

Rise of Smart Buildings

During the construction of new buildings, engineers now install advanced IT systems from the beginning. Beyond basic automation, smart buildings integrate IoT devices, occupancy sensors, environmental controls and predictive maintenance capabilities. Live data collection allows remote monitoring and control of overall operations. Connected elevators, security cameras, lighting, HVAC and more improve efficiency while reducing costs long-term.

Digitally managed buildings address priorities around sustainability too through energy/water usage optimization based on real-time conditions. Tenant comfort and experience increases via customized services ranging from keyless entry to room bookings through mobile apps. On-site experiences become more seamless and personalized. For city infrastructure, smart commercial and residential high-rises demonstrate evolving design/development paradigms. Municipal codes evolve in sync to safely support innovative building technologies. Tech-ready structures now serve as testbeds for emerging smart city solutions as well.

The Rise of Mobility as a Service

Transporttion behaviour permanently shifts as new mobility services supplement existing public transit networks. Consumers gain flexible on-demand options beyond private car ownership alone. Ride-hailing apps let people avoid parking hassles and costs. Dockless electric scooters provide convenient first/last mile connections to train stations. Bike sharing optimizes short commutes within dense urban cores.

The integration of these varied multi-modal mobility services gradually replaces the sole reliance on personal vehicles for urban travel needs. Futuristic plans involve self-driving shuttles and pods to efficiently move people within special transportation zones. Subscription services may emerge covering all local transport modes bundled together as “mobility packages”.

By providing reliable mobile/wireless infrastructure, cities empower new multimodal transit innovations. Advanced traffic controls further optimise traffic flows factoring autonomous fleets. Real-time curbside management designates pick-up/drop-off areas based on demand. All depend on location data exchange between vehicles and infrastructure. Tech-enabled mobility transforms how we get around cities, reduces car dependence and opens underutilised urban spaces formerly used for parking.


In conclusion, information technology infrastructure is playing a crucial role in transforming our cities and impacting how we live, work and get around in urban environments. As illustrated throughout this article, innovations in high-speed internet access, 5G networks, edge computing, digital workspaces, smart buildings, utilities and new mobility options are redefining urban development priorities and the urban experience.

However, challenges around the digital divide still remain. A company like Practical Solutions, Inc. (PSI) can help address these challenges. As a leading IT consulting firm, PSI is committed to delivering digital excellence through strategic advisory, implementation and managed services that optimise next-generation infrastructure for tomorrow's cities. With deep expertise in areas like network transformation, IT support, infrastructure services, etc, PSI works to ensure all communities can share in the benefits of new urban technologies. Contact PSI today to discuss how they can help assess your infrastructure needs and legacy systems to power future smart and connected developments.

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